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Lifestyle/Mind-body :


Like a fat man in a Sauna

So I guess you're wondering what was said to me by the spiritualist at the weekend.

Well if you're reading this, I guess you are at least a little curious.

You can come to your own conclusion when I tell you.



How to have an Amazing 2014 and avoid the same old - same old!

So what’s it going to be? More of the same or some thing new?

This questions’ often gets asked as we come to the end of the year.

Come the end of December nostalgia and reflection set in and people begin to rehearse their new years resolutions, you may have done this yourself, I know I have.


5 Ways to Keep warm this coming winter

The late summer sunshine is still here but the temperature has dropped big style!

I think it's fair to say that winter is almost upon us. Long dark nights and wet and windy weather are all the rage this time of the year.

Now I personally don't mind the autumn season, the low sunlight, and the beautiful array of colours in the trees, the evening nights in front of the fire, all these things I enjoy, however what comes next I do have issue with.... Winter!


Why you don't exercise?

I was read an article the other day reporting that children new more exercise, the study found that most children in the UK don’t do enough exercise- especially girls.

This got me thinking about the whole exercise thing and why we get involve and in some cases don’t get.......



Why you need encouragement

Hello all its been a few weeks since I’ve been on here sharing my thoughts with you.  I’m not going to make excuses about why I've been less consistent, just a promise to you I’ll be here sharing my ‘pearls on wisdom’ (or just my opinion) with you more often.
It’s been a strange last few weeks- lots of change going for me with regards to the cubs. My eldest is relocating which has...........


How to cure Cancer? 5 things you can do to reduce your risk

It was around September 2011. I was looking forward to my Personal training session with Richard who I see every month for a new program. Richard had recently become semi-retired and was a keen golfer and tennis player. The exercise programs we designed for him to work on, helped improve......


Why I Love number 3

How’s your week been? The last few days have certainly raised the mood of the nation as we have been blessed with some fantastic sunshine. I just hope it’s around for the weekend. I have a short story I would like to share with you but before I jump into that, let me remind you that........


Boost your mood-be happy!

Hey, Germany was great we had a great time seeing the sights of Berlin. If you ever get chance to go- do it. It has so much to offer and great places to visit. I came back feeling fresh and ready to help you all get fit and healthy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but taking time out....