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Boost your mood-be happy!

Written by: Mike Hendricks

Hey, Germany was great we had a great time seeing the sights of Berlin. If you ever get chance to go- do it. It has so much to offer and great places to visit. I came back feeling fresh and ready to help you all get fit and healthy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but taking time out to chill and get away is so important- remember to do it. It helps you feel happy. However, If you’re like me there will be certain times that you feel.... shall I say... a little crappy! You may have had a bad week/day at work, you’re feeling neglected, everything seems to go wrong and it seems the whole world is against you. 

My number 1 tip to offset those times when you feel bad and want to feel great and enjoy better moods is Exercise! It’s better than any pill. 

Research studies have shown when you take a pill or any form of mood booster, there are potential negative side effects, whether that be a can of red bull or an anti-depressant. Exercise creates natural chemicals like endorphins with the side effect of happiness! Similar chemicals to those when your laugh, are released helping you to immediately feel much more positive and uplifted.


The other good thing with exercise is that it doesn’t need to be long & arduous either. When I train  (and yes I do do some exercise) I like to keep my workouts Intense, short and sweet! 30-45 mins max and I’m done. I love exercise but spending 60-90mins is just not for me, some of you may agree while some of you may disagree.  The American college of sports medicine (ACSM) recommends a guideline or 3-5 days a week of 20-30 minutes exercise for health benefits. This could include a simple activity of dog walking, (very topical in my house at the moment) cycling or walking to the shops. 


Victoria our new team member

Short, sharp intense workouts are another way to go if you want to boost your mood and feel happy. You may have heard of HIIT exercise (High intensity interval training) or metabolic training. These forms of exercise work you harder and really elevate your metabolism and your ability to burn fat quickly. 


At Optimum Health studio we have introduced a new FBB (Full body blitz) class on our timetable which is just awesome! The new class will be instructed by our new team member Victoria Wood. The class has been designed to offer all the benefit that short sharp workouts bring-leaving you feeling happy- some would even say euphoric! You can book online here to reserve your place and your first class is only half price!


Whatever your choice of exercise, the important thing to remember is that to help keep a good mood or if you do find yourself in a bad mood, get out and do some exercise you’ll feel much better right away. I promise you that.


Committed to your health

