Why you don't exercise?
I was read an article the other day reporting that children new more exercise, the study found that most children in the UK don’t do enough exercise- especially girls.
This got me thinking about the whole exercise thing and why we get involve and in some cases don’t get involved.
I think it’s fair to say that most people now that doing regular exercise has benefits – it will help keep you healthy, young and less visits to the doctors,
So why don’t we do it?
I think from my experience as an exercise coach there are many factors, too many to go through in this post. But I’ve listed just a few below.
1.They associate exercise as something bad
Some folk never like doing anything physical and this may have stemmed from school days when they were always the one picked last for team sports or the teacher always shouted at them. As a result exercise for them is a not a nice thing to do.
2. They think they can’t do it
Some people think that to enjoy being health and fit you have to be really good at sports. Being fit to them is something only “skilled” people can do- not true ‘anyone’ and I mean anyone can enjoy being fit and healthy regardless of ability.
3.They were never encouraged
I wrote a post a few weeks back explaining why we all need encouragement, and for may people they have never been encourage to exercise. We all need it especially when it comes to doing something like exercise. The more encouragement and support you receive the more you are likely to succeed.
So my ‘take away’ for you today is to do you best to form both the mental and physical habit of engaging in exercise.
Exercise is good and good for you.
Exercise is not determined by your ability- anyone can do it
I’m here to help motivate you and keep you heading in the right direction all the way to achieve your goals.
Keep well.