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Nutrition :


Fat & Fit vs Healthy & Trim Pt.2

Category: Nutrition

So In part 1 I mentioned the importance of knowing your body composition and understand where you currently stand with your body fat percentage/ distribution and also the dangers of being over fat. Having this understanding is key to moving toward ideal health & Fitness. Being overweight is one thing but being over fat or carrying too........


Fat & Fit vs Healthy & Trim Pt.1

Category: Nutrition

It’s a statement that I have been trying to explain to my clients recently and it seems to have sparked a good a debate.

Can you be fit and fat?

What is it to be Fit?  The word fit is an adjective, a word used to describe a level of suitability for a task or event. Within the health & Fitness industry we usual use the word in a simple black and.....


3 Natural Pain Killers

Category: Nutrition

It was my first school run this week with my youngest Rowen.

He was so excited to be going to "big school" as he called it.

After his first day, when I wen to collected him, I asked him “ how was it?”

He went on to say he made a new friend called Hasheem (I think that’s how you spell it) and hes’ going to be his best friend!


On the flip side, I also spoke with my eldest who started school in Ibiza this week. When I spoke to him, he was


Shall we say…


5 Things you should know about low fat foods

Category: Nutrition

It’s always interesting to me when I go shopping to the local supermarket. I always seem to  bump into a client or a former client. It always follows a set sequence of steps. Firstly it’s the courteous “ hello! How you doing?” then the update on recent events and holidays and work politics. Then there is the quick glance down into my basket to asses what an 'Exercise coach' eats, this is then followed by the 2 minute explanation and......


What is a good supplement?

Category: Nutrition

As some of you will know, that for the last 8 months or so I’ve been sharing with you a range of new supplement products I have had the benefit of using. I often get asked about what is the best form of supplementation and as an exercise coach what do I recommend. I was not always a big fan of supplementation. My mind set was, if your eating correctly, then why do you need to supplement your diet? Well I’ve since grown to understand that even if you are.........


They're Just 'Berry' good for you

Category: Nutrition

Blessings to you.

This we saw the start of our summer shape up challenge. Over the next 6 weeks we are going to see some real changes in the participant look and feel- I’ll keep you posted on the progress.It was nice to have a......


Ooh baby I like it Raw- so does Demi Moore!

Category: Nutrition

Demi MHow was your Easter? Did you know that Demi Moore and I have something in common? Well before I get into that I need to tell you about our '60 dayshape up summer challenge' coming your way soon. For a selected number of people, its a chance to look and feel amazing using our specially designed nutritional and exercise program just in time...... 




Eating these will help health

Category: Nutrition

It’s been a strange week for me. We had an unfortunate loss in the family this week, which is always difficult to take. I had a few meetings this week which didn’t pan out the way I’d like, certain people letting you down with promises and our new family puppy has been doing her best to wake us up at 4am most mornings.

I know I’m no different to many people in respect to dealing with whatever life......


Snack Swapper

Category: Nutrition
If your thinking about food most of the time dont feel like you're alone. Many of us think about food in one way or another. whether it's about what you have jsut eaten or what you are about to eat, food is very often.......