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Like a fat man in a Sauna

Written by: Mike Hendricks

So I guess you're wondering what was said to me by the spiritualist at the weekend.

Well if you're reading this, I guess you are at least a little curious.

You can come to your own conclusion when I tell you.

Make your own mind up.

I can’t tell you everything

It would just take too long.

and you don't have the time.

Before I do share, let me remind you about the core & posture videos I've dome for you.

Your next one is here.

How to develop a strong core

This exercise helps develop the muscle around your waist area, the oblique’s.

Give it a go!

Ok, the Spiritualist

So you remember the scene...

Jackie had just gone downstairs for a quick break,

But not before asking me if I knew a fireman

When she came back, the format of the meeting changed.

She said "now it's over to you, if you want a quick reading come a sit in the chair"

Jackie did point out another lady in the room who was also doing readings- can't recall her name though.


We sat and looked at each other asking if we should go sit in the chair.

There was still plenty of people in the room, but some had left including the 4 young lads.

I went to the toilet whilst another lady sat in the chair as Jackie spoke to her.

When I came back and sat down Jackie came over to me

"I'm being drawn to you"

My heart raced again

"I've got  your granddad here, he's saying hello" Jackie said.

Jackie then went into detail about my Dad.

"I can see your Dad's not been well. His knee's have been a problem"

"what the ....." How on earth did she know that.

You may recall my dad had a stroke 2 years back and has not been his best since.

He also had a 3 Knee ops. One knee was done twice due to an issue with the operation.

"How on earth did she know all this?"

"I've never met this lady before"

I was sat there in awe.

Sweating like a fat man in a sauna, but in awe.

Fat Mike in a sauna
Jackie then continued to consistently mentioned things and people who were in my life or in my past.

We were both sat there going "ah yeah" "That’s right"

She went on to offer direction about work and my career which was very interesting.

I wont go into detail now,

Maybe in another email I’ll divulge.

Click here to get my super helpful info emails

Time will tell if it comes to pass.

But, my mind had shifted.

Whether it was real or some kind of hocus poccus, I was caught in the moment.

Listening to Jackie's every word.

When all was said and done, we left the room thinking " hmmmm? very interesting"

It was a very interesting experience.

and I'm all for interesting experiences.

I guess, that's the whole point I'm trying to make.

To enjoy the experience.

See, I could read way too much into it and think that Jackie was some amazing mystic with divine powers.

She may well be,

But I don't really care about that.

For me I enjoyed the experience

It was different, fun entertaining and informative.

Just like the KFF program.

Ask any of the ladies that have got involved in the program

It's lots of fun, informative and not like any other exercise and weight loss programs out there.

Not for everyone though,

Only women who want results.

My invitation for you today is try something new.

Give yourself permission to be a little mad or crazy.

Don't fall in the trap of same old, same old.

Mix it up from time to time.

Even if it's to drive home from work a different way, try out a new recipe or class or buy those shoes that cost way too much.

Do it- what’s the worst that can happen?

Try a new experience this week, you'll be better for it I promise.

Just try enjoy the experience.

Make sure you let me know exactly what you did.

I'll be back later in the week with another new video for you to help improve your posture.