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How to have an Amazing 2014 and avoid the same old - same old!

Written by: Mike Hendricks

So what’s it going to be? More of the same or some thing new? 




This questions’ often gets asked as we come to the end of the year.

Come the end of December nostalgia and reflection sets in and people begin to rehearse their new years resolutions, you may have done this yourself, I know I have.


This year thought I’m suggesting a change of approach. I’ve learnt a lot over that last year or so and I’m truly grateful for all those lessons.


I intend on using them for good and to help become a better both professionally and personally.


If you’re not looking for change and you happy with the way things are in your life then stop reading this now.


However, if you are serious about breaking the norm and having a great 2014 and beyond continue.


I’ve listed down my top 5+1 things I’m going to do to make my 2014 absolutely awesome. You may want to try and apply some too!



  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Why do we stress over stuff we cant’ control?  2013 was a year I did a lot of that. I spent a lot of time thinking in a negative way and stressing


When I found out that Reubs was moving away again I wasn’t happy and started to stress over stuff that was really not required.  When am I going to see him? What if he forgets me? Can I afford to get a regular flight?


All these negative thoughts were going through my mind.


You may have done something similar when you get some news you don’t like.

When you get some news that you don’t like or you think is bad, Just count to 10 slowly take deep breath and just repeat” There is some good in this” Trust me it works, you’ll spend a lot less time worrying over things that you cant control and a lot more time thinking about things you can.


  1. - Keep it simple stupid (K.I.S.S)

Don’t do more that you can.  I fell victim to this in a big way. At the start of last year I set myself a goal earn over 45k a year. Not a huge amount of money, an achievable target I thought.


I planned it out exactly how this was going to be achieved. We’d hold 10 Pilates classes, along with 20 Kettlebell classes then I’d rent out 2 rooms at the studio, then I’d sell a huge range of products, I’d also do 15 hours of Personal training. Then I’d increase the amount of Yoga classes we’d  offer…..


I could go on but the point I’m making here is that as a result of all that stuff, non of it happened.  I had no focus on one thing or project for any length of time.

If you want to achieve any goal or big are small, K.I.S.S it! ‘Keep it simple stupid’

Whatever your want -lose 3lbs, tone your arms and bum, improve your posture, focus on one achievable goal at a time and you’ll have it completed  in no time.


  1. Don’t work with time wasters

As a fitness professional, this is something I found hard to do. My passion is to help people enjoy a better quality of life through exercise and nutrition and I want help everyone.

But while most people will want your help and take your help and your time, only some will appreciate it.


You invest time and effort in certain clients and work colleagues and you get little back in the way of commitment and consistency.


My advice to you is to only work with people who deserve your time and appreciate it.


This can be a little hard to judge a first but if you’re ever in doubt. Just listen to that little voice inside asking that question “are they really wanting to achieve this or work with me?” If the answer id no then let them go, in time you’ll find the right people who do.



  1. Exercise and Eat right.

This is a no brainer, but I did fall into the habit of not exercising and I felt crap as a consequence.  It does happen its so easy not to exercise regularly, a it’s ok to have a break be cool about it. But don’t leave it too long.


Try make exercise a part of your lifestyle  Make it a way of life. You don’t have to do 4 sessions a week just commit to doing something- consistently. Apply the 80/20 rule.



  1. Read more books

Leaders are always readers. I heard that saying a few years back and it has always stuck with me. I’ve read some good books this year some good, some just ok. All have helped me to expand my knowledge and understanding.


Here are just a few, you might want to check them out…


·      50 Shades of Grey- EL James

·      Friendship with God- Neale Donald Walsch

·      Dare to win- Jack Cranfield & Mark Victor Hansen

·      Mindfulness –Gill Hasson

·      The 10 Second Philosophy- Derek Mills


Reading books helps open your mind and understand other ideas and points of view. You can get books to download and some are even free! If you want to gain more knowledge in 2014, read more books you’ll be a better person for it.






  1. Have a laugh

I love to laugh, but looking back over the last year. I’ve been very serious about many things. I’ve been caught up in trying to make things happen in the business and quantifying my success in a very narrow view. 


Enjoying the simple things is what I’m going to do more of in 2014. Walking the dog (don’t laugh) listening to music, spending time with friends and family. Helping my clients.


It’s true when they say it the simple thing that matter. Do more of these and I’m sure you’ll have an brilliant 2014!





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