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3 Natural Pain Killers

Written by: Mike Hendricks

Category: Nutrition

It was my first school run this week with my youngest Rowen.

He was so excited to be going to "big school"as he called it.

After his first day, when I went to collected him, I asked him “ how was it?”

He went on to say he made a new friend called Hasheem (I think that’s how you spell it) and hes’ going to be his best friend!


On the flip side, I also spoke with my eldest who started school in Ibiza this week. When I spoke to him, he was


Shall we say…


less  enthusiastic.


Not because of the school or the recent move, which is a school he has attended before, but because this year he has to complete his “stats!”


He went on to explain that he hated stats and that they’re “painful” and will make his “head hurt”. I offer him encouragement by telling him to “crack on” as he’s a smart lad and he’ll do well.


It got me thinking about ‘Pain’ and how we interpret it. It comes I may forms and guises. Some slight some severe. Some mental some physical. But the best way I see to deal with pain is to do your best to avoid it all together!


In his case, do plenty of revision and study hard!


So today, I’ve got a short list of 3 “Natural” pain Killers for you. Having these in your diet will help reduce your of discomfort and pain. 





Research shows that 1 cup of blueberries can ward off up to 60% of urinary tract infections, which is caused by free radicals that inflame the digestive lining. Blueberries

So eating blueberries can keep you free from peptic ulcers, digestive discomfort, and bladder infections.
Preventing early aging and protecting you against diseases like cancer and chronic heart disease are another benefit blueberries offer. The antioxidants prevent cell damage by neutralizing the radicals and helping keep diseases at bay. Blueberries also prevent inflammation that is a known cause of aging diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease and brain aging. So if you’re looking for ways to help stay younger in mind and body. Try these!




Olives contain two potent painkillers Hydroxytyrosol - is a very powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects. This is a ‘polyphenol’. Another key ingredient found in Olives is oleocanthal, which is chemically ibuprofen but without the negative associated side effects. This is the ingredient that gives olive oil a throaty taste in your mouth. It’s like a slight sting at the back of the mouth, just as ibuprofen does.



EPA rich Omega 3 reduces joint pain

KrillThere’s no question about the benefits of upping your intake of omega 3s. But you need to make sure your source of omega 3 is a good one. The pain relieving effects of omega-3 PUFAs has been documented in many studies world-wide. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis or joint pain found that supplementation with EPA rich Omega 3 fats for 3-4 months reduces patient reported joint pain by 26% and minutes of morning stiffness by 43%. Omega 3 is readily available in many store’s, but make sure they from a good water source (not a fish farm) and not heavily synthesized. Try Krill oil as it offers higher potency that fish oils and Krill oil also contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D and canthaxanthin, which is a potent anti-oxidant. 



Keep Well




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