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How to improve you posture and look years younger

Written by: Mike Hendricks

Category: Exercise

As you are about to read this post I’d like you to do  something for me.

Assess the way you are sitting , standing or lying this very second……




Switch your focus to your breathing. `how is it?


Ok, now you can continue to read.


When I was at school I was fortunate enough to be one of the tallest pupils in my  year. This brought many benefits.


First to be picked on the teams, like football and basketball, other kids thinking ‘long and hard’ before getting into fight with me. Also becoming head of house was linked to my height I believe.


As a tall kid, I remember always looking down around my friend, as I was above average height. Some kids did try to take the mick out of me but I choose to ignore that.


I became very aware of my posture early on and I knew that it was something I would need to pay attention to. In-order to improve your posture you must first raise you awareness of your body and have conscious understanding of your orientation.


This includes how you sit, how you walk, how you run and how you lay down in bed. Your posture is dynamic and fluid, not static as we are sometime led to think. Your posture can be affected by many things, which include:


·      Your diet

·      Your mood and metal state

·      Your injury history

·      Pregnancy (post and pre)


These factors will all have a bearing on your bodies posture. These factors can impact the body over a short term and a long period.


Once your understanding of your bodies posture has been expanded, it’s now key to know what ideal posture is. For those of you who have been attend the KKF classes recently have heard me mention the importance of good dynamic posture aided by with good joint mobility.


To get maximum benefit from any exercise it needs to be performed correctly. Whether that’s a shoulder press or a squat, good posture need to be maintained when performing the exercises.


I mentioned recently that I have been back in training and joined a gym. Its an real old school body builders gym and most of the people training in there don’t care about posture or corrective exercise. It’s just lift the weight by any means necessary and grunt alot! I love it!


However, as a consequence of their technique, most of the postures you’ll see  in there are like real gym monkeys! 



Anyway at least the guys are doing something and exercising. Maybe in time I’ll build up the courage to introduce them to some exercises that my help fix there posture. ;-)


From not on to help better improve your posture, start to think of developing it with a much more modern approach.


See your posture as a integration of your muscles and facia, your skeletal frame, your mental state and also  your environment.


Your ability to control these factors will all impact on your posture.


Now that we have raised you awareness we’ll give you some simple steps that you can do to begin to better improve  your posture and begin to feel and look younger.


Check out part 2 and remember to hit those share icons, twitter, facebook, google+ and all the others for me if you like the post.

