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How to cure Cancer? 5 things you can do to reduce your risk

Written by: Mike Hendricks


It was around September 2011. I was looking forward to my Personal training session with Richard who I see every month for a new program. Richard had recently become semi-retired and was a keen golfer and tennis player. The exercise programs we designed for him to work on, helped improve his posture, core strength and hip mobility, all of which would help him improve his performance in golf and tennis.


On that late summer afternoon, Richard came to the studio to his 2pm session but looked a little off. After going through the normal pleasantries. I began in my normal excitement to explain the session I had planed out. We began the exercise session; and as he always does’ Richard worked hard with concentration and maximum effort. It wasn’t until I told him about my fathers recent stroke that it came out why he was a little distracted. Earlier that that month Richard found out his wife had cancer.


Wow! Words failed me. I wasn’t sure what to say. I ‘d known both Richard and his wife for over 2 years and both of them were active people. So when he told me this it was a big shock. We spoke for a least an hour after the session, I spoke about dad and how he was doing and he spoke about his wife and the details of the diagnosis. To say that conversation was emotional, would be an understatement. It was on another level. Conversations like that really bring everything into true perspective.


We arranged the next session for November, both knowing that this may need to be rearranged. I did see Richard in November. At the time, Dad had come out of hospital but Richards wife had not. He told me the situation was not looking good.

We went through the session and at the end he thanked me for offering a bit of a distraction. Christmas came and went but unfortunately for Richard’s wife, she did not see 2012.


I still see Richard now and he has just come back from Trip to Asia which he enjoyed. He made a decision after his loss to use this ‘period of change’ to live life and do more.  His whole life changed in just 3 short months and is a reminder to everyone reading this nothing is forever.


As you maybe a aware this week is National cancer awareness week. You may have even heard of a certain celebrity helping to raise awareness of breast cancer with her decision to proceed with a double mastectomy – we salute you Angelina. The topic of cancer is huge one –too big to tackle in blog post, however I do believe that even cancer is curable (in some cases) and not just through tradition treatments such as radio & chemotherapy.


My stance and understanding through personal research and reading, is that there are known cures for cancer and treatments that have been tested. But these have been kept form the public. Why you ask? if I were to be honest I’d say because there is no money in finding a cure, but there are billions to be made in providing drugs.


Today is not the day to go into that you can find out more here when you have time. Its a really interesting video/article on cancer. Many people have successfully overcome cancer through traditional treatment and that is no bad thing. That debate is for another time.


Here at Optimum Health we study just that, Health. I know if you study a subject long enough it will become a part of you. So with that said, I will continue to encourage you to keep on studying health, you are doing a wonderful thing and your body will thank you for it. Do your best to be your healthiest best and I’m sure will be just that- Healthy and Happy.


I’ve listed 5 things you can start doing 'today' help reduce your risk of disease including cancer.


1.     Drink Tea

teaStudies shave show that for younger women (under 50) drinking 2-3 cups of tea a day can reduce your risk of breast cancer by 37%. This was not the case with women aged 50 and over and drinking tea to excess will cause liver stress. But 3 quality cups a day and ideally green tea will have positive health benefits.


2.     Use quality supplements

Recent studies are confirming that use of quality supplements will help reduce risk of disease including cancer. Lack of Omega-3 is a regular underlying factor for cancer, and by simply supplementing your diet with animal-based omega-3 fats you may reduce your breast cancer risk by 32%. Vitamin D is also important. If you live in the UK, you know too well we are lacking natural vitamind D from the sun. I recommend the use of Krill oil for omega 3 source and Supergreens+D if going on holiday every month is not an option for your Vitamin D source.


3.     Laugh alot

dog laugh

It's so true that smiling and especially laughing does make you feel good. When you laugh to create an 'alkaline state' in the body, which is an environment that disease cannot live in.It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins.So do your best to have a good giggle whenever you can.

4.     Reduce your use of drugs (prescribed or otherwise)

The use of prescribe drugs is on the increase and so are the side effects associated with long term drug use. It’s now a proven fact that the use of statin, a cholesterol lowering drug, will increase your risk of colon cancer. It may seem hard to do but try to seek alternative medicine or treatments for any conditions you have whenever possible. You may have do your own reseach, but it may well be worth it.


5.     Exercise.

You are 3x more likely to live pain and disease free and live longer if you engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to boost your immune system and reduce your risk of certain cancers including colon cancer. I could go on about the benefits of exercise, but all I will say is reducing your risk of any disease is a very good reason to exercise.



I'd love for you to share this post with all you friends to help spread the word, but only if you like it.


Committed to your health.
