Fat & Fit vs Healthy & Trim Pt.2
So In part 1 I mentioned the importance of knowing your body composition and understand where you currently stand with your body fat percentage/ distribution and also the dangers of being over fat.
Having this understanding is key to moving toward ideal health & Fitness. Being overweight is one thing but being over fat or carrying too much fat is another.
Unfortunately the industry places way too much focus on weight-loss and not enough focus on educating people about ideal body fat levels and composition.
Being over fat carries many dangers and risks but what can be even more dangerous is not educating people about what is really important, and that is to feel your best and to look your best regardless of size and weight.
I myself in the past have been responsible for following the industry norm and encouraging clients to focus solely on weight loss and short-term strategies to get to a target weight.
Now, this approach is fine and many people including many of my clients have had real success by following this approach. But what ‘is’ important and I try to do with all my clients is to educated them so the have the tools and knowledge to continue maintaining an ideal weight and keeping there body fat normal or where they want.
Research figures taking from industry giants such as weightwatchers and slimming world confirm that 84% of clients fail on their programs!
That’s a lot of people failing. I would be out of business if I had that failure rate!
I must give credit though to weightwatchers, at least they are “trying” to make their programs healthier. (I think?) They have introduced a new point system (“PointsPlus”), fresh fruits and most vegetables have a zero point value (meaning that they are unlimited) – this change was brought in to encourage members to eat more whole plant foods and less processed foods.
However, the Weight Watchers program is still ‘far’ from a health-promoting eating style and doesn’t really address the failure rate which I believe is down to the focus of weight loss and not personal health and personal responsibility.
The bottom line is you can’t be truly healthy and be over weight/fat at the same time and you’re not going to become truley healthy by counting points! Fact!
Any program should empower the client to have better understanding of who they are and what works for them to achieve their own success and maintain it.
Look at Helen P. who took part in one of our shape up programs earlier this year. Helen became a mom earlier this year, She’s lost over 5 ½ lbs in body fat and 6 inches off her hips and waist since the birth of here baby boy and has managed to keep it of with relative ease.
Better understanding of her body.
Now I’m sure if you spoke with Helen she would tell you that it’s not all been plain sailing,
but I can confirm even now she has gone back to work, she still looks good and has not ‘let it go’ and managing to maintain her healthier lifestyle.
The point is folks, working towards your healthiest best is not an easy one trip destination- it’s continuous learning journey- a lifestyle choice.
I see it as my job and my duty to help, encourage and empower you as you continue on your journey.
Don’t worry too much on how much you weigh or what you’ve been told your ideal weight should be. That info doesn’t really tell you anything.
Focus on reducing your risk factors and become your healthiest best.
Lose the excess fat, drink plenty of good water, get to bed on time, exercise at least twice a week and smile! These are all things you’ve heard me encourage you to do.
Continue to do these and other health promoting habits and you will be healthy and trim and not Fit & Fat.